VSFX 705

Setting up

Cutter for Mac

Modifying the run file


export MAYA_USER_DIR=$HOME/Documents/maya
export RMS_SCRIPT_PATHS=$MAYA_USER_DIR/rfm_scripts/image_tool

# change directory below to where your cutter is
cd /Users/ddu/Desktop/ddu/projects/vsfx_705/cutter

# To uncomment the next line - remove the '#' character

java -Xms512m -Xmx512m -classpath .:cutter.jar Cutter

Making the text file executable

chmod 777 run

Setting up Maya Env for Mac


  1. Copy rfm_scripts folder to /Users/ddu/Documents/maya

  2. copy scripts folder to /Users/ddu/Documents/maya

  3. Copy Arnold Shaders to /Users/ddu/Documents/maya/projects

  4. copy maya.env file to /Users/ddu/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2020

  • Maya > Window > Plugin manager > Ensure Renderman for Maya is loaded and auto-loaded

  • check script editor for environment and preferences

Student web spaces

  1. Upload your html and asset files to https://sav-myfile.scad.edu/myfile/ws-idrive/Savannah/Webspaces/Studentpages/web_pages

  • Core: font size: 20, source code pro, 4 spaces tab, Scroll past end

  • Packages: Turn off auto-complete-plus & snippets

apm install script autocomplete-python minimap file-icons python-autopep8 linter-flake8 
maya language-mel
pip install autopep8
pip install flake8 


keep in mind Renderman Attribute Editor, Shelf, Menu bar

Using cutter



Learning Python for Maya

Learning Python

  1. Learning Python, Mark Lutz, O'Reilly Media

  2. Think Python(on-line), Allen Downey

Getting started with Python

Key terms: list, tuple, dictionary

# script is called test.py but it 
# implements a module called "test"
# a modules contrains attributes
# an attribute can be, eg. name of a variable 

# the built-in datatypes are, nubmers, text(string),
# (and collections) list, tuple, dictionary. file.

age = 26
name = "tom"
family = 'jones'
nationatlity = 'welsh'

# an attribute can also be the name of function 
#create function
def person() 

#creating list 
countries = []
countries.append('new zealand')

# using a tuple (fixed value list) - for vertices data structures transfer
locked = (2,4,3,6,8,9)
# i can test my code by printing some value 
# this call the values 
# but comment it out if used asa module

if __ name__ == '__main__':
    #person() #(debugging purposes) 
    #for place in countries:
        # print(place)

#print(__name__) # return name of module from where it was run
# file_test.py
# an example of how to store text in a document 

out_file= open('file directory', 'w')
for n in range(10):
    out_file.write('sphere -r 1;\n)
    out_file.write('move %f %f 0;\n' % (n,(n-2))) # placeholder %

# to run the mel document in Maya use this mel...
#source "filedirectory"
# rib_test.py
Points "P" [0 0 0   3 5 6    5 6 7   9 9 9] "constantwidth" [1.0]
import random
rib_file = open('/Users/ddu/Desktop/ddu/projects/vsfx_705/cutter/data2.rib', 'w')
rib_file.write('##bbox: -5 -5 -5 5 5 5\n')
rib_file.write('Points "P" [\n')
for n in range(100000):
	x = random.uniform(-5, 5)
	y = random.uniform(-5, 5)
	z = random.uniform(-5, 5)
	rib_file.write('%f %f %f\n' % (x,y,z) )
rib_file.write('] "constantwidth" [0.05]')

#Maya > Renderman menu > Archive > import rib archive 
    why is my cutter so slow?
    does not have vsfx705
    cannot open hyperlink

Lesson 3

list [] 
tuple () fixed values 
## bbox: -5 5 -5 5 5 5 # read by rib

def writeCubic(path

cmd E to render in Renderman

Last updated

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