Last update: 8 June 2021
Last updated
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Last update: 8 June 2021
Last updated
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vertices = [[0,0], [100,0], [100,100], [0,100]];
closed = true;
createPath(vertices,inTangents, outTangents, closed);
// Coordinates
var v = [[1.5, 1.5], [2.0, 1.0], [2.0, -1.0], [1.5, -1.5], [-1.5, -1.5], [-2.0, -1.0], [-2.0, 1.0], [-1.5, 1.5]];
// Create a path with zero tangents (straight lines)
createPath(v, [], [], true);
// Get the dimensions of the shape layer
var w = thisLayer.width / 2;
var h = thisLayer.height / 2;
var cut = Math.min(w, h) * 0.2; // Adjust the corner cut size relative to layer size
// Coordinates of the centered 8-sided rectangle based on layer dimensions
var v = [
[w - cut, h], [w, h - cut], [w, -h + cut], [w - cut, -h],
[-w + cut, -h], [-w, -h + cut], [-w, h - cut], [-w + cut, h]
// Offset to center the path
var offset = [thisLayer.width / 2, thisLayer.height / 2];
v = { return [point[0] + offset[0], point[1] + offset[1]]; });
// Create a path with zero tangents (straight lines)
createPath(v, [], [], true);
l = 100;
w = 50;
vertices = [[0,0], [-w,l], [w,l]]
closed = true;
createPath(vertices,inTangents, outTangents, closed);
Source: Dan Ebbert — circle
var pts = 50;
var a = 500; //radius
var completion = 100 / 100;
var t, x, y;
var vertices = [];
for (i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
t = i / pts * Math.PI * 2 * completion; // element num/ num of elements ;
x = a * Math.cos(t);
y = a * Math.sin(t);
vertices[i] = [x, y]
createPath(vertices, [], [], 1)
w = 500; // width
r = w/2;
ratio = .5523;
t = r*ratio;
vertices = [[r,0],[0,r],[r,2*r],[2*r,r]];
inTangents = [[t,0],[0,-t],[-t,0],[0,t]];
outTangents = [[-t,0],[0,t],[t,0],[0,-t]];
A Lemniscate is a mathematical curve shaped like the number 8 or the infinity symbol (∞). The term "lemniscate" comes from the Latin word "lemniscus," which means "ribbon."
function createLemniscatePath(center, radius, stretch, numPoints) {
var vertices = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= numPoints; i++) {
var t = i / numPoints;
var angle = 2 * Math.PI * t;
var x = radius * Math.sin(angle) / (1 + Math.cos(angle) * Math.cos(angle));
var y = radius * Math.sin(angle) * Math.cos(angle) / (1 + Math.cos(angle) * Math.cos(angle));
vertices.push(center + [stretch * x, y]);
return createPath(vertices, [], [], true);
// Parameters
var center = [thisComp.width, thisComp.height] / 2;
var radius = 300;
var stretch = 1;
var numPoints = 50;
// Generate the Lemniscate path
createLemniscatePath(center, radius, stretch, numPoints);
// source: Dan Ebbert
center = [thisComp.width,thisComp.height]/2;
radius = 200;
period = 3;
angle = 2*Math.PI*time/period;
x = 2*radius*Math.cos(angle)*Math.sqrt(Math.cos(angle)*Math.cos(angle));
y = 2*radius*Math.cos(angle)*Math.sin(angle);
center + [x,y]
u = 1
v = 2
a = 540;
x = a*Math.cos(v*time)*Math.sin(u*time);
y = a*Math.cos(v*time)*Math.cos(u*time);
var pts = 50;
var u = 1
var v = 10;
var a = 75 // inner radius
var c = 450 // outer radius
var completion = 100 / 100;
var t, x, y;
var vertices = [];
for (i = 0; i < pts; i++) {
t = i / pts * Math.PI * 2 * completion; // element num/ num of elements ;
x = (c + a * Math.cos(v * t)) * Math.cos(u * t);
y = (c + a * Math.cos(v * t)) * Math.sin(u * t);
vertices[i] = [x, y]
createPath(vertices, [], [], 1)
u = 1
v = 10;
a = 75 // inner radius
c = 450 // outer radius
phase = 10; // animate this
x = (c+a*Math.cos(v*phase))*Math.cos(u*phase);
y = (c+a*Math.cos(v*phase))*Math.sin(u*phase);
freq = 60;
mul = 500;
radius = 90;
x = radius*Math.sin(time*freq)
y = radius*Math.cos(time*freq)
z = time*mul
value + [x,y,z]
Polar Coordinates in Houdini | VEX Quickies, David Kahl
// connect to sliders
let w = 1000;
let points = 200;
let steps = 20;
let angle = 0;
let r = w / 2;
let step = (Math.PI * 2) / steps;
let radius = 0;
let vertices = [];
for (i = 0; i < points; i++) {
angle += step;
radius = i / points * r;
x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
y = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
vertices[i] = [x, y];
createPath(vertices, [], [], 0)
var a = 137.508;
var r = 25;
var theta = degreesToRadians(myIndex * a);
var myIndex = index - thisComp.layer("controls").index;
x = r * Math.sqrt(myIndex) * Math.cos(theta);
y = r * Math.sqrt(myIndex) * Math.sin(theta);
[x, y] + [thisComp.width, thisComp.height] / 2;
// var ctrl = thisLayer;
var inc = 1500;
var amp = 300;
var n = 30;
var freq = .5
var seed = 185;
var vertices = [];
var x, y, pt, phase;
seedRandom(seed, true)
var offset = random() * Math.PI * 2
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pt = i / (n - 1);
x = inc * pt
phase = time * freq * Math.PI * 2 + pt * Math.PI
//phase += offset;
y = amp * Math.sin(phase);
//y *= Math.sin(phase / 2);
//y *= Math.sin(phase / 3);
//y += noise(time + pt) * 100;
// create point
vertices[i] = [x, y]
createPath(vertices, [], [], 0)
// var ctrl = thisLayer;
var inc = 1500;
var amp = 300;
var n = 50;
var freq = .5
var seed = 185;
var r = 0.25;
var vertices = [];
var x, y, pt, phase;
seedRandom(seed, true)
var offset = random() * Math.PI * 2
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
pt = i / (n - 1);
x = inc * pt
phase = time * freq * Math.PI * 2 + (pt * Math.PI /r)
// phase += offset;
w1 = Math.sin(phase);
y = amp * w1;
// create point
vertices[i] = [x, y]
createPath(vertices, [], [], 0)