Why? Logically group our data and functions that we can easily reuse or build upon
Attributes and methods - functions that is associated with class
A class is a blueprint for creating instances
classEmployee:pass# instances of a Employee classesemp_1 =Employee()emp_2 =Employee()s# unique data #manually variable setting - prone to human erroremp_1.first ='Corey'emp_1.last ='Scafer'emp_1.email ='cScafer@company.com'emp_1.pay ='50000'emp_2.first ='Test'emp_2.last ='User'emp_2.email ='testUser@company.com'emp_21.pay ='60000'######classEmployee:def__init__(self,first,last,pay):#set instance variable self.first = first self.last = last self.pay =pay self.email = first +'.'+ last +'@company.com'# each method within a class automatically takes the insance as the first argument# and we always call that selfdeffullname(self)return'{}{}'.format(self.first,self.last)# better solution: runs init automatically emp_1 =Employee('Corey','Scafer',50000)emp_2 =Employee('Test','User',60000)print(emp_1.email)print(emp_2.email)# running actions#manually print('{}{}'.format)emp_1.first,emp_1,last))# better print(emp_1.fullname())# notice the parenthesis as it is a method#notes#classes are kinda like function# remember to put self in methods in class emp_1.fullname()is same as Employee.fullname(emp_1))