px,py,pz - Positionrx,ry,rz - Rotationsx,sy,sz - Scaleu,v,w - UVWid - Object Indexcount - Object Countfalloff - Falloff weightt - Project Time[-∞..+∞]f -Frequency[-∞..+∞]Conditional?(a;b)(3>4)?(10;20)?(a;b)Arguments such as mod(a;b) must be separated by a semi-colon or by squared brackets [] (then without curved brackets)rnd(100) is the same as rnd[100] andrnd(100;234) is the same as rnd([100][234]).
km Kilometer 1km=1000mm Meter 144-14=130cm Centimeter 1cm=0.01mmm Millimeter 1mm=0.001mum Micrometer 1um=0.000001mnm Nanometer 1nm=0.000000001mmi Mile 1mi=1609.344 myd Yard 1yd=0.914mft Foot 1ft=0.305min Inch 1in=0.025mB Frame Number
Logical Operators
= Equal compare 1km=1000m== Equal compare 144-14=130> Greater than 1cm=0.01m< Less than 1mm=0.001m>= Greater than or equal compare 1um=0.000001m<= Less than or equal compare 1nm=0.000000001m!= Not equal compare 1mi=1609.344 m! Not 1yd=0.914m||or. or Or 1ft=0.305m&&or. and And 1in=0.025m& Bitwise and| Bitwise or^ Bitwise xor~ Bitwise not?(a; b) Condition,if statement: a, then b (3>4) ? (10; 20) =20; kann ebenfallsso formuliert werden:if(3>4; 10; 20)
e The constant e (Euler Number) =2.71828pi The constant Pi (circular number) =3.14159pi05 Half Pi pi2 Double Pi piinv Inverse Pi pi05inv Half inverse Pi pi2inv Double inverse Pi // Functionssin(a) Sinus cos(a) Cosinus acos(a) Arcus cosinus asin(a) Arcus Sinus tan(a) Tangent atan(a) Arcus tangent cosh(a) Cosinus hyerbolicus sinh(a) Sinus hyerbolicus tanh(a) Tangent hyerbolicus floor(a) Round down floor(11.8) =11ceil(a) Round up ceil(11.2) =12round(a) Rund round(11.8) =12abs(a) Absolute / Value abs(-11) =11sqr(a) Square exponentiation sqr(5) =25sqrt(a) Square root sqrt(49) =7exp(a) Exponential function exp(5) =148.41log10(a) Logarithm to the base of10 log10(100) =2log(a) Logarithm to the base of e log(e) =1trunc(a) Truncates a number trunc(-11.8987) =-11rnd(a{; b}) Random or0and a,opt. b as seed pow(a; b) Exponentiation pow(2; 3) =8mod(a; b) Modulo mod(10; 4) =2clamp(a; b; c) Clamps val. of c or a & b clamp(2; 6; 10) =6min(a; b) Minimum value a or b min(4; 7) =4max(a; b) Maximum value a or b max(4; 7) =7(a) << (b) Bitwise shift to left 1<<4=16(a) shl
Getting Started
White to dark vertical
Dark to white center, vertical
1-abs(mod(id/count; 1) -0.5)*2
Dark to white center, horizontal
1-abs(mod(u; 1) -0.5)*2
Radial - White to Dark Center
sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz)/1000
Formula Library
/0.5+sin( ( subfields + ( id / count ) + d ) * f *360 ) *0.5